mRTA Audio Analyzer

Real Time FFT Analysis Tool

mRTA Audio Analyzer is a powerful tool that delivers accurate and reliable real-time audio measurements across multiple channels.

The analyzer incorporates quadratic spectral interpolation to provide precise mic input calibration, making it an excellent choice for audio professionals seeking a high degree of accuracy in their work.

Its customizable interface and zoom/pan features on both axis allow users to tailor the application to their specific needs, making it an essential tool for those working in fields such as audio engineering, music production, and sound design.

mRTA Audio Analyzer

It is worth noting that the mRTA Audio Analyzer is currently in its beta version, and our team is constantly working to improve its performance and capabilities. As with any new software, there may be bugs or issues that arise during use, and we welcome all feedback from our users. If you encounter any problems or have suggestions for how we can make the mRTA Audio Analyzer even better, we would love to hear from you.

Your comments and issue reports are highly appreciated and will help us continue to refine this powerful audio analysis tool! You can get in touch by writing an email at info[at]

Windows installer

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